Acupuncture for New Mothers: How Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Help During Postpartum

By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP

If you’re reading this blog post, you probably already know that the postpartum period is often a time when new mothers are focused solely on the health of their newborn, with little time to tend to themselves! Setting aside some time for self-care isn’t easy, but it can be hugely beneficial to carve out an hour or two for yourself each week when you’re ready. 

Acupuncture, an evidence-based practice based in the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), can be a really supportive form of self-care in the postpartum period, not only for physical health but for mental and emotional health too. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the postpartum period from the perspective of TCM, and discuss the evidence-based benefits of acupuncture in postpartum care. Let’s dive in! 


How Traditional Chinese Medicine Views the Postpartum Period 


The first forty days of postpartum in TCM is known as the “Golden Month.” It is seen as a time when the birthing person’s body is particularly vulnerable, having expended significant resources during pregnancy and childbirth. It is a time for rest, healing, and emotional support, and is an opportunity to gently restore and renourish the body. 


Regular acupuncture treatments, specific dietary recommendations, and herbal supports are commonly used in TCM postpartum care – during the Golden Month and in the months beyond – to restore energy balance, alleviate postpartum discomfort, regulate hormonal fluctuations, and promote emotional well-being. 


Let’s Explore the Evidence-Based Benefits of Acupuncture for New Mothers 


There are many benefits of acupuncture for new moms, especially when the treatments are done on a consistent basis. Some of these benefits can include:


  1. Pain Relief and Physical Recovery:

Childbirth can bring a range of physical discomforts, including pain in the lower back, pelvis, and perineum. Acupuncture can provide effective pain relief by stimulating the body’s natural painkilling mechanisms. Research has shown that acupuncture can help alleviate postpartum pain, facilitating a quicker and more comfortable recovery. 


  1. Hormone Regulation:

The postpartum period is inevitably marked by dramatic hormonal shifts for the new mother. Acupuncture can assist in regulating hormone levels, including estrogen and progesterone. Studies have shown that acupuncture treatments can help manage postpartum mood disorders, including postpartum depression and anxiety.


  1. Improved Sleep Quality:

It’s no surprise that new moms often struggle with disrupted sleep patterns! Acupuncture’s ability to regulate melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep-wake cycles, can contribute to better sleep quality and reduced fatigue. Evidence suggests that acupuncture can address insomnia and support more restful sleep.


  1. Stress Reduction:

Caring for a newborn can be emotionally taxing in more ways than one. Acupuncture’s capacity to reduce stress and anxiety is well-documented. Studies have shown that acupuncture treatments can lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, and help new mothers manage the emotional demands of motherhood. Having a consistent weekly appointment to receive care in and of itself is helpful for processing feelings of stress and other emotions. 


  1. Enhancing Lactation:

For mothers who choose to breastfeed, acupuncture may assist in enhancing lactation. Specific acupuncture points can stimulate the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. While individual results can vary, acupuncture can be a helpful option with moms who are struggling in their breastfeeding efforts.


  1. Immune System Support:

Recovering from childbirth and caring for a newborn requires a strong immune system. Not to mention if you have other young kids at home who are bringing home nasty bugs from daycare or school! Research has shown that acupuncture can help boost the immune system by increasing the production of immune cells and helping to modulate inflammation. 


How Many Acupuncture Sessions Are Needed For New Moms?


Acupuncture is in it for the long game, and its benefits are the result of consistency! Each treatment builds on another, meaning it’s very cumulative. 

In the beginning, you’ll likely need to come in more frequently. Too long of a gap between sessions can hinder any progress we’ve made. We don’t want to keep chasing the issue after it comes up, we want to build up your resources for the very purpose of prevention. That being said, the schedule of a new mom is often unpredictable, so just do your best – there’s no need to stress!

If a weekly or biweekly appointment isn’t feasible for you, monthly tune-ups are also a great practice to get into the routine of. Regular maintenance is the key to prevention when it comes to all health issues in TCM! 


Postpartum Care – The Bottom Line 


When it comes to postpartum life, there are lots of factors at play. It’s important to note that everyone is unique – what works for one person may not be the right fit for another. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional to receive more individualized support. 

If you’re looking for support during postpartum, whether you’re one month out or six, you can book an acupuncture appointment with me here and follow me on Instagram @pokedbydee to learn more.