Two women, an interacial same sex couple, happily holding up a positive pregnancy test.

Acupuncture for Preconception: Evidence-Based Insights & Traditional Chinese Medicine Tips

By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP


Acupuncture for Preconception: Evidence-Based Insights & Traditional Chinese Medicine Tips

I’m Dee, a Registered Acupuncturist and Holistic Nutritionist at Urban Wellness in Toronto’s Little Italy. In today’s blog post, I’m sharing some insights into how acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can support preconception and fertility. Let’s get into it! 

Understanding TCM Terminology in Fertility

In TCM, we use different terminology than Western medicine. Here are the key concepts we consider when addressing fertility:

  1. Qi and/or Blood Stagnation: This refers to blockages or disruptions in the flow of vital energy (Qi) and Blood, particularly to the pelvic region. Such stagnation can cause issues like irregular menstrual cycles, painful periods, and ovulatory dysfunction.
  2. Deficiency Conditions: These arise when the body lacks the necessary nourishment, leading to conditions such as scanty periods, diminished ovarian reserve, or low sperm and egg quality. It’s essential to nourish the body adequately to support fertility.
  3. Excess Conditions: These are factors we aim to clear or reduce. Examples include Dampness, which involves the accumulation of excess fluids and metabolic waste, often seen in PCOS patients, and Heat, which can affect the uterine environment and sperm quality.

As acupuncturists, our role is to assess whether a patient is experiencing stagnation, deficiency, excess, or a combination of these, and to tailor our treatment plans accordingly.

How Acupuncture Helps Fertility

Regulating Hormones and Menstrual Cycles

One of the primary benefits of acupuncture for preconception is its ability to regulate hormones and menstrual cycles. A regular cycle with ovulation and balanced hormone levels is crucial for successful conception. Research, including a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (2018), has shown that acupuncture can enhance ovulation and create a more fertile environment for conception by regulating hormones like estrogen, progesterone, LH, and FSH.

Reducing Stress and Supporting the Nervous System

Stress can significantly impact fertility by disrupting hormonal balance, leading to irregular cycles and anovulation (lack of ovulation). High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can interfere with progesterone and estrogen levels, which are vital for reproduction. Acupuncture helps reduce stress by promoting relaxation and releasing endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones. Lower stress levels contribute to a healthier hormonal balance and improved reproductive function.

Enhancing Blood Flow

Acupuncture can also improve blood circulation, particularly to the pelvic region and reproductive organs. Enhanced blood flow supports a healthy uterine lining, which is crucial for embryo implantation, and nourishes eggs and sperm, improving their quality. Studies have indicated increased ovarian and uterine blood flow following acupuncture treatments, which is promising for individuals experiencing issues like unexplained infertility.




TCM Tips for Preconception

In addition to acupuncture, there are several lifestyle and dietary practices from TCM that can support preconception health:

1. Nourish the Body with Balanced Nutrition

In TCM, food is considered medicine. A balanced diet rich in whole foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, helps nourish the body and support reproductive health. Warm, cooked foods are particularly beneficial, as they are easier to digest and provide gentle nourishment. Avoid excessive consumption of cold and raw foods, which can weaken digestion and create internal Dampness.

2. Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule

Adequate rest is crucial for replenishing the body’s energy reserves. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can help regulate your body’s internal clock, promoting overall well-being and hormonal balance.

3. Reduce Stress and Practice Mindfulness

Chronic stress can disrupt the flow of Qi and Blood, impacting reproductive health. Incorporate stress-reducing practices into your daily routine, such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, or deep breathing exercises. These activities help calm the mind, balance emotions, and promote a harmonious flow of energy.

4. Support Digestion and Gut Health

In TCM, the digestive system, or the “Spleen” system, is central to overall health and fertility. Eating at regular intervals, chewing food thoroughly, and avoiding overeating can support digestive health. Additionally, consuming warm and easy-to-digest foods, like soups and stews, can strengthen the digestive system and ensure proper nutrient absorption.

5. Avoid Overexertion

While regular exercise is beneficial, overexertion can deplete the body’s energy reserves. Choose moderate physical activities that you enjoy, such as walking, swimming, or gentle yoga. These activities promote circulation and vitality without causing excessive strain.

When to Start Acupuncture for Preconception

I recommend starting weekly acupuncture sessions at least three months before attempting to conceive. This timeframe allows us to address any pre-existing imbalances or deficiencies and strengthen the body for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Preparing for conception isn’t just about getting pregnant; it’s about ensuring optimal health and well-being throughout pregnancy and beyond.

By addressing potential symptoms like nausea or acid reflux before they arise and fostering overall physical and emotional health, we aim to provide a supportive environment for a healthy and happy pregnancy experience.


Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to enhancing fertility by addressing key factors such as hormonal regulation, stress reduction, and improved blood flow. If you’re considering acupuncture as part of your preconception plan, starting early can help ensure your body is well-prepared for the journey ahead. For personalized guidance and treatment, feel free to reach out to a qualified acupuncturist. 

If you’re looking for support when it comes to preconception, whether you’re one month out or six, you can book an acupuncture appointment with me here and follow me on Instagram @pokedbydee to learn more. 

Here’s to a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy journey!