Adaptogen Hot Chocolate

1 -2 cups of your favourite nut mylk or hot water1 Tbsp unsweetened cacao powder (or cocoa powder)1/2 tsp Ashwaganda1 tsp mushroom powder (Reishi Extract, Cordyceps Extract, Turkey Tail Extract, Chaga Extract, Lion’s Mane Extract)  1 tsp Maca1/8 tsp cinnamonSweetener of choice (maple syrup, raw honey to taste)1 scoop collagen (optional)1 tsp coconut butter (optional for extra creaminess)Instructions:Heat mylk to desired temperature and then place all ingredients into blender and blend until frothy and well blended.Find a  favourite place to sit.Take a deep breath in.Sip.And Enjoy!

Angela Warburton, B.A, RTCMP, R.AcTraditional Chinese Medicine