Cold and Flu Care

Cold and Flu Care

There are so many things you CAN do to boost your immune system, stay strong and help prevent colds and flus naturally. The following are some simple, yet highly effective immune boosters and some common TCM herbs that we use to prevent or at the early onset of a cold...
Seasonal Retreats: The Importance of Self-Care

Seasonal Retreats: The Importance of Self-Care

These retreats were formed, from the number one need that I see in my day-to-day clinical practice – a need for nourishing self-care and the space to stop and simply BE, for a bit. They are focused on self-care, deep nourishment and time away from the daily...
Workshop: Fall in Love.  It All Starts with You.

Workshop: Fall in Love. It All Starts with You.

Identify your unique love style and how to breakthrough those inner barriers that are holding you back from the love you so deeply desire Relationships can be one of the more rewarding things in a person’s life, but they can also be elusive or painful for many. Did...