by kavita | Jun 18, 2024 | Acupuncture, Blog, Gynaecology, Health, Holistic, menopause, Menstrual Health, Nutrition, Prevention, TCM, Urban Wellness
By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP PMS? Chronic fatigue? Hot flashes and restless, sweaty sleeps? All of the above situations have one thing in common: hormonal havoc! In the intricate dance of the systems and processes that influence our health, hormonal balance...
by kavita | May 16, 2024 | Blog, Health, Holistic, Nutrition, Prevention
By Shai Edwards, CNP Blood sugar imbalance affects more people than you would think, maybe you haven’t received a diagnosis or prognosis (and maybe you have!) that has made you consider whether or not your blood sugar is imbalanced but you may be experiencing other...
by kavita | May 16, 2024 | Blog, Mental Health, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Prevention, Recipe
By Dr. Mary MacDonald, ND May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Helping patients achieve their optimal mental health is a very important part of Dr. Mary’s practice. Addressing mental emotional aspects of mental health as well as offering optimal nutritional...
by kavita | May 16, 2024 | Acupuncture, Blog, Prevention, Stress, TCM
By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP Stress is a big buzzword these days, but for good reason. Stress matters. In modern life, stress has become a ubiquitous companion, affecting everyone and anyone, no matter what we do or the lifestyle we choose to live. While occasional...
by kavita | Apr 20, 2024 | Acupuncture, Blog, Pregnancy, TCM
By Ingrid Gerberick, R.Ac Over the years I’ve had a lot of people ask me about acupuncture in pregnancy. “Is it safe?” “What is it good for?” “Do you only get it to help induce labour?” Working with pregnant clients as a central focus of my acupuncture practice for...