The Healthiest Blog Around

Our blog provides health and wellness insights, tips and recipes to help you live your healthiest life. Keep coming back for more!

Regulate & Reset: The Science Behind Acupuncture and Stress Management

By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP Stress is a big buzzword these days, but for good reason. Stress matters. In modern life, stress has become a ubiquitous companion, affecting everyone and anyone, no matter what we do or the lifestyle we choose to live. While occasional stress is a normal part of life, chronic stress can take a toll on physical, mental and emotional health.    Traditional Chinese...

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RMTips: Dragon’s Pose

RMTips: Dragon’s Pose

Connecting to Spleen Energy and its Meridian Through Yin Yoga Myles Zacharias, RMT These humid summer days are perfect for becoming acquainted with your spleen. It's a juicy, warm, wet organ engorged with blood, a deep pool or reservoir for when the body is thirsty...

Liver Love for the Spring

Liver Love for the Spring

Angela Warburton R.TCMP, R.Ac Our livers take a beating in this modern world – processed foods, medications, stress – all of which tax our livers. Everything from what we eat, breathe or put on our skin will have to be processed by our liver. It’s a huge organ AND one...

Herbal Spring Support

Herbal Spring Support

All that we need to know about ourselves in this season (all seasons really) can be observed from nature. Spring is a time to physically and emotionally let go with love all that is not serving your growth! As a plant cannot hold onto the dead leaves or flowers from...

iPhone Stretch

iPhone Stretch

With the amount of time we spend on our iPhones these days, bodywork professionals are beginning to notice population-wide changes in people's spines: a flattening in the upper thoracic spine, and a jutting forward of the cervical vertebrae. Both of these combined can...

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Stomach EBook

Using Food as Medicine: Applying the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Heal.

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