by kavita | Jun 18, 2024 | Acupuncture, Blog, Gynaecology, Health, Holistic, menopause, Menstrual Health, Nutrition, Prevention, TCM, Urban Wellness
By Dee Dorrance, R.Ac, CNP PMS? Chronic fatigue? Hot flashes and restless, sweaty sleeps? All of the above situations have one thing in common: hormonal havoc! In the intricate dance of the systems and processes that influence our health, hormonal balance...
by kavita | Mar 21, 2024 | Acupuncture, Blog, Gynaecology, Holistic, Menstrual Health, Prevention, Seasonal Living, TCM
By Kavita Gill, R.TCMP, R.Ac In my previous posts, we explored how the ancient Chinese physicians developed an elegant comparison for the menstrual cycle by finding similarities in seasonal changes. Each season represented a different phase, but also illustrated...