by admin | Feb 10, 2019 | Holistic, Tip, Wellness
Scientific Hand Analysis-Heart Lines Ever wonder what all the lines on your hands mean? February is the month of love and such a great time to delve into a special marking on the palm called the Heart Line, using the method of Scientific Hand Analysis. Heart lines...
by admin | May 12, 2018 | Health, Holistic, Nutrition, TCM
So much of our health and our vitality stems from our gut health. Our digestion of course, but also our energy, mood, ability to concentrate and even our sleep quality are all impacted by the health of our gut. There’s so much to know about it and at times it can be...
by admin | Jan 18, 2018 | Health, Holistic, Nutrition, Recipe, TCM, Tip, Wellness
Angela Warburton, R.TCMP Most people don’t need to be sold on the benefits of cleansing. And it’s not uncommon that people feel the need to cleanse, or at least clean up their diet after the indulgent holiday season. “Toxic overload” can have many faces: headaches,...
by admin | Dec 18, 2017 | Blog, Health, Holistic, Nutrition, Recipe, Tip, Wellness
Written by Kristin Tait, B.A. KIN, RNCP, CFSP The holidays are officially upon us and with them come magic and joy, excitement and generosity of spirit… and oftentimes some stress too. Whether it is in the form of exhaustion and overwhelm, travel, challenging family...
by admin | Oct 20, 2017 | Exercise, Holistic, Nutrition, Recipe, TCM, Tip, Wellness
In the fall, our energy starts to turn inwards as we prepare ourselves for winter. During this season, things start to dry up, leaves dry and fall of the trees, grass or other plants start to wither and dry up to shut down for the dormancy of winter so that recourses...
by admin | Oct 20, 2017 | Exercise, Health, Holistic, Nutrition, TCM, Tip, Wellness
As a natural introvert (I recharge in stillness and need time away from the hubbub of modern life and socializing to gather my energy and sort through my thoughts and experiences), there is a natural bit of ‘yahoo’ energy that accompanies the cooler more...