9 Signs of Early Vitamin C Deficiency

9 Signs of Early Vitamin C Deficiency

Written by Angela Warburton, R.TCMP I’m sure vitamin C needs no introduction to you. We know it’s found in ample amounts in our citrus fruits and often taken as a supplement to boost immune systems or pulled out when a cold hits us. But what many people don’t realize,...
Postpartum Anxiety

Postpartum Anxiety

By: Dr. Terrin Kuntz, ND What is anxiety? Anxiety is a fear based emotional response to the anticipation of real or perceived danger. A stimulus, emotional or physical will trigger your fear response. The type of trigger will differ from person to person, but...
Cold and Flu Care

Cold and Flu Care

There are so many things you CAN do to boost your immune system, stay strong and help prevent colds and flus naturally. The following are some simple, yet highly effective immune boosters and some common TCM herbs that we use to prevent or at the early onset of a cold...