by admin | Sep 27, 2019 | Environment, Seasonal Living, Uncategorized
The climate emergency and what we can do about it Guest post by Jesper Grimstrup – Physicist The climate is changing and it is changing fast. We stand at the beginning of a climate emergency, where rising CO2 levels are beginning to have a real impact —...
by admin | Jul 6, 2019 | Seasonal Living, TCM
Heat, lush gardens, fresh food, bare feet and outdoor living. There’s nothing like it! As with every season, summer brings with it it’s own unique blend of gifts. Our gardens and markets are filled with fresh naturally ripened foods. Social calendars...
by admin | Jul 6, 2019 | Recipe, Seasonal Living, TCM
Food Focus: Cucumber We love using food as medicine in Eastern Medicine. Food cures are one of the coolest and simplest ways to rebalance the body. When we use seasonal summer foods, in the summer, we can help beat the heat in a powerful but delicious way! Naturally...
by admin | May 13, 2019 | Recipe, Seasonal Living, TCM
A TCM Spring Detox Guide for Body, Mind and Soul by Angela Warburton As published in The Hearty Soul The ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses the unique elements of each season (winter spring summer and fall) to guide us on how to live in...