Your Heart Really is in Your Hands

Your Heart Really is in Your Hands

Scientific Hand Analysis-Heart Lines Ever wonder what all the lines on your hands mean?  February is the month of love and such a great time to delve into a special marking on the palm called the Heart Line, using the method of Scientific Hand Analysis. Heart lines...
Winter: A Permission Slip to Slow Things Way Down!

Winter: A Permission Slip to Slow Things Way Down!

As originally published in The Elepahant Journal I am a self-professed winter lover. It’s true. It may well be my favorite season. Gasp! I said it. Sure, I love the first shoots and buds of spring and the wall of heat and slow-paced freedom of summer. Then there’s the...
Simple Wisdom to Eat By

Simple Wisdom to Eat By

When it comes to eating a healthy diet many people talk about what foods to and not to eat. Whether it be a reduction of carbs or sugars, there is a common theme of either restriction or supplementation of certain foods. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)...
Cupping 101 – The Magic of Suction

Cupping 101 – The Magic of Suction

Cupping is having a moment, with athletes and actors proudly sporting their red round marks,  but it also has a rich history spanning millennia and continents. In China, applications for cupping therapy are wide, and varied–from muscular skeletal injury, to stress...
Winter Cleansing

Winter Cleansing

Angela Warburton, R.TCMP Most people don’t need to be sold on the benefits of cleansing. And it’s not uncommon that people feel the need to cleanse, or at least clean up their diet after the indulgent holiday season. “Toxic overload” can have many faces: headaches,...