Eating for Blood Sugar Balance

By Shai Edwards, CNP

Blood sugar imbalance affects more people than you would think, maybe you haven’t received a diagnosis or prognosis (and maybe you have!) that has made you consider whether or not your blood sugar is imbalanced but you may be experiencing other symptoms that would point to an imbalance. Living in the world we do, where everything is fast-paced and meals are often skipped due to busy schedules, most of us are experiencing blood sugar imbalance without even knowing it. 


Take a moment to think – Are you someone that finds themselves constantly craving a sweet treat after a meal? Do you feel like you need to load up on coffee and sugar during your afternoon slump? Do you feel angry/irritated when you’re hungry? Are you experiencing hormonal imbalances such as low libido, PMS, or PMDD? These and so many others are symptoms that your blood sugar levels may be imbalanced. 


What does having imbalanced blood sugar levels really mean?

Blood sugar levels can become imbalanced for a myriad of reasons, such as: 

  • Not eating breakfast in the morning 
  • Eating at irregular intervals 
  • Eating imbalanced meals that don’t include enough protein & fat 
  • Fuelling yourself with sugar and caffeine when tired and/or experiencing brain fog 
  • Not eating enough throughout the day 

When your blood sugar levels are imbalanced your body has to work overtime to maintain your glucose and insulin levels to keep you healthy – when this happens too consistently for too long, this is where we start to see issues such as Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes diagnosis’, major hormonal imbalances, inability to concentrate, many more complications. 


How to balance blood sugar levels with nutrition:

  • Meal plan and prep ahead of time to make eating regularly easy to do 
  • Set yourself up for success by eating breakfast before sipping your morning coffee 
  • Work with a nutritionist to determine your macronutrient needs to ensure that you are eating enough protein, fat, and fibre with every meal 


How to implement these new habits:

When working on blood sugar balance, consistency, planning, and being setting up with the right tools is key. Depending on where you’re starting from, the journey of forming these new habits will differ in length. Since blood sugar imbalance is the new normal for so many of us with busy lives, it can feel strange at first to unlearn your current way of being – this is why support from a nutritionist can be so helpful. 

As a Nutritionist, I work to set my clients up for success to achieve their healthiest selves. When clients succeed by feeling ease in their newfound healthy habits, I am overjoyed. 

When I work with clients to heal their blood sugar balance I start by first taking a look at their current nutrition and lifestyle in-depth to determine how to best create a protocol that works for this client as an individual. Since each client is coming to me from such a different place, every protocol will have to look completely different.

If for example you are someone who loves to cook, and has lots of time to do so – your protocol will likely include more complex recipes for you to integrate into your life. If that isn’t for you, then your protocol will likely include more simple recipes, meal prepping solutions and maybe even a list of ideal takeout restaurants that fit your nutritional needs. 

I am currently taking on clients both virtually, and in person at the clinic. To book a complimentary discovery call to learn more about what working with a Holistic Nutritionist looks like, or to book an appointment, click here.


Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your main healthcare provider if you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined in this article.