Life Beyond Busy

No one does well when being pushed to DO all the time.

We’ve been so afraid to rest for so long now. Be it consuming information, working, fixing, tidying or just listening to our whirling thoughts. We rob ourselves of our nourishment, our care and so much of our wisdom when we’re SO busy.

You know, that gentle wise voice that comes when we’re still and quiet enough to actually listen.

It might seem like a massive deal to stop. But the reality is we can simply take 5 minutes sometimes and it will shift our entire experience.

By slowing down and shifting in subtle (yet profound) ways…well life gets easier.

There’s more time for yourself.

More energy for those you love.

More vitality in your life.

And it’s in this that our radiance shines out. And It’s this that builds our joy. Simple things. Nourished life. It’s my mission to help women step into this amazing inner place and live from there. Angela Warburton R.TCMP will be doing a series of talks on this. The first one focused on the life beyond busy. Wednesday at 11 recording will be sent after if you can’t make it live. #radiantlife #nourished #stopthebusy #yingyang #tcm #feminine