Urban Wellness is an integrative holistic health centre.
We are based in a bright and beautiful clinic located in the heart of Little Italy. Our clinic is committed to quality holistic and customized care by experienced practitioners who love what they do.

Services We Offer
- Acupuncture & TCM
- Cupping & Gua Sha
- Herbal Medicine (Eastern & Western)
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Psychotherapy
- Physiotherapy
- Holistic Nutrition
- Somatic Movement
- Transformational Life Coaching
- Facial Rejuvenation
- Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

We Effectively Treat & Support
- Allergies & Respiratory Health
- Anxiety & Depression
- Digestive Disorders
- Fertility & Reproductive Health
- Menstrual Regulation
- Migraines & Headaches
- Muscular & Chronic Pain
- Paediatric Care & Family Health
- Pregnancy & Postpartum Health
- Preventative Medicine & Well-Being
- Skin Concerns & Conditions
- Sleep Disorders
- Stress Management
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
Essentially, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is all about balance. If the body is in balance, there is health, well-being, and vitality. When the body is out of whack it will exhibit a variety of symptoms, which can manifest in our sleeping patterns, digestive functions, muscular tension, and our emotional state, just to name a few. Our physical signs and symptoms reveal a picture of our internal environment. They often fall into particular patterns and can guide your TCM practitioner to understand what systems need help. And when we support the body where it is most needed – at the root cause of illness – we help return the body to its natural state of balance and inherent wellness.
The main components of TCM include acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional therapies, cupping, gua sha, massage (Tuina), an exercise component (Tai Qi and Qigong traditionally) and mindfulness practices.
Treatments are always customized to the individual, constantly evolving to align with ones changing needs. No two people are treated in the same way, as their root imbalance is unique to them. TCM treats not just the disease, but also the patient, appreciating the uniqueness of each individual and their personal healing journey.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points to treat various health problems.
The classic Eastern explanation for how Acupuncture works is that channels of energy or Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) run in patterns through the body and over its surface. These channels or meridians are like rivers flowing through the body to nourish the tissues. There are 14 major Acupuncture meridians and each of these are believed to be associated with a particular part of the body. An obstruction or blockage in the movement of Qi creates imbalance and/or pain in the body and can lead to disease. By manipulating the needles in a certain way, the practitioner can bring energy to areas that are lacking or create flow in areas that are blocked, bringing a sense of balance back to the body. Most people feel very relaxed during and after an Acupuncture treatment.
What is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine is a major aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is used to restore balance by nourishing the body.
In China, there are over 3,200 herbs, 300 mineral and extracts, and over 400 formulas used in clinical practice. Herbs have different properties (hot, cold, upward moving, downward moving, bitter, sweet, etc.), all which perform a different action on the body. Following traditional diagnosis methods, a basic pattern or root imbalance is identified. Once this pattern has been named, various herbs and herbal formulas are then prescribed which have been shown to be effective in treating the specific pattern.
Most Herbs can be taken with Western drugs and supplements; it is crucial to get a prescription from a licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner to avoid interactions. When taken properly and under guidance, they have little to no side effects and can be used independently or in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. Herbal formulas come in tablet or pill form as well as teas and tinctures.
We use only the highest quality of traditional Herbs that are regularly tested from impurities and toxins to maintain this high standard.
What is Facial Rejuvenation or Facial Acupuncture?
What is Cupping, Gua Sha and Tuina?
Cupping, Gua Sha and Tuina Massage are all forms of therapeutic bodywork used in Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments. Both vigorous and soothing, gentle, and firm, these manual techniques directly the body and its systems. Many patients find these treatments very relaxing, even falling asleep during treatments. While others feel invigorated, limber and alert.
Each technique can be used in conjunction with each other or with acupuncture treatments to provide relief and enhance each other’s effects.
Cupping uses small glass or silicone cups as suction devices that are placed on the skin to disperse and break up stagnation by drawing congested blood, Qi, or other humors to the surface. Cupping is much like the inverse of massage; instead of applying pressure to muscles, the cups create a gentle vacuum to pull them upward. Once the desired suction has been achieved, the cups can be gently moved across the skin or held in place. Cupping can be an effective technique to treat pain and inflammation as it disperses congested lymph, circulates fluids, releases heat, and returns mobility back to the body.
Gua Sha (pronounced “gwaa-shaa”) is a manual technique which uses a smooth sided instrument made from jade, quartz, or metal along with a lubricant such as massage oil to stimulate specific areas of the body. Gua sha can be used on the face, but also on other parts of the body such as the back, neck, scalp, and limbs. Gua sha promotes the smooth movement of Qi throughout the body. By using long strokes with the appropriate amount of pressure gua sha, aims to break-up and loosen tight fascia and connective tissues improving movement, circulation and reducing pain.
Tuina (pronounced “twee-nah”) is a system of massage includes acupressure, assisted stretching/traction and joint mobilizations, as well as diverse manipulations, specific to your needs and treatment. The practitioner may use therapeutic oils, salves, tinctures, or liniments to areas of pain or discomfort. Tuina is not a form of register massage therapy and is based on TCM’s goal of treating the root cause and not just the symptoms. Instead of using needles, Tuina utilizes a variety of bodywork techniques to achieve the same ends.
Each bodywork session is unique to your needs. After the intake, the practitioner will assemble the most appropriate strategy to specifically help you achieve your therapeutic goals.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique used for relaxation and stress reduction. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese words Rei meaning “higher power” and ki meaning “life force energy.” Understanding the principles of Reiki, a trained therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch to activate the natural healing process and restore well-being.
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
According to the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors: Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary healthcare system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. The Naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the underlying cause of disease. Symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body, and unfavourable lifestyle habits. Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes disease as a process rather than as an entity.
Treating both acute and chronic conditions, Naturopathic treatments are chosen based on the individual patient – their physiological, structural, psychological, social, spiritual, environment and lifestyle factors. In addition to diet and lifestyle changes, natural therapies include botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, Naturopathic manipulation and Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture), may also be used during treatments.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that originated from Germany more than 200 years ago. Homeopathy takes into consideration the unique mental, emotional, and physical characteristics of each individual and how they are interrelated. Therefore, the Homeopathic remedy is uniquely tailored to treat the whole person, not simply the illness from which one is suffering. This approach is meant to prevent illness as well as gently help restore health on all levels.
Homeopathic medicine treats a variety of acute and chronic diseases and conditions.
According to the World Health Organization, Homeopathic medicine is the second most widely used medical treatment in the world and the fastest growing. It is widely practiced in England, France, Germany, South Africa, and India and is rapidly being re-embraced throughout North America.
What is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic Care is an effective system of holistic healing which literally means practice done by hand (Greek: Chiro-hand, Practikos-practice). Specific adjustments are made to the spine to create proper alignment and posture. This in turn facilitates optimal functioning of your nervous system.
When the body is exposed to stressors from everyday life, it may cause spinal and muscular imbalances to develop which create tension and dysfunction in your body. With chiropractic care, the joints and muscles are released and realigned so that integrity in movement and mobility is restored. The body has an innate and intrinsic ability to heal itself, but sometimes it needs a little help, especially with all the external factors we are exposed to during modern times. When there is interference to the body’s nervous system (brain and spinal column), improper signaling occurs and can show up as dysfunction and dis-ease. With regular chiropractic care, your spine is maintained in good alignment and positioning, allowing the system to function at its maximal potential.
What is Network Spinal Care?
Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is an extremely gentle, low force chiropractic technique using breath and body awareness. Soft, precise, light touch to your spine helps cue the brain to unwind spinal cord tension to promote health and wellness. The result is improved movement of the breath and decreased overall tension in the muscles and spinal vertebrae. With traditional manual chiropractic care, the tension that gets built up is released with an adjustment (like when you crack your knuckles). However, in NSA, the tension is used as fuel to shift patterns and provide lasting changes in the nervous system. This reorganizational healing technique is revolutionary and creates new strategies in the nervous system so that your body is able to adapt and manage all the stress that it encounters daily.
Scientific Hand Analysis
Your life purpose is in your fingerprints! Scientific Hand Analysis is a tool for self-discovery, it’s the modern version of the ancient art of palmistry. Through a hand reading, we can reveal your life purpose and help you get on track if you are not already on the path to your highest expression. Your fingerprints are completely formed by the 16th week of fetal development in utero and do not change over the span of your lifetime. Hence the use of fingerprints as a method of identification. The lines on the palm, however, will change and evolve over time and can give us great insight into the experience you have in life. The lines in your hands mimic the neural pathways in your brain.
Scientific Hand Analysis provides an extremely eye-opening way to understand yourself, figure out your purpose, learn about your gifts, manage your challenges, or blind spots, and utilize your hands as a blueprint to your soul. By looking at your hands and handprints, an assessment about your reason for being, your potential in this lifetime, the way you love, the way you think, and the way you live can all be explored and delved into further. Discover your purpose now; you deserve to know what it is and experience your fullest potential in this lifetime!
What are the Benefits of Breathwork?
- Relief of mental, physical, and/or emotional tension
- Improved self-awareness and new perspectives and insights into old patterns and harmful habits
- Letting go and releasing of old wounds, limiting beliefs or stories
- Deeper spiritual connection and higher states of consciousness
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the Craniosacral system. It is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the Craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.
By engaging the body’s natural healing processes, Craniosacral Therapy is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease. It is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a gentle form of manual therapy that emphasizes the relationship between structure and function of the body. Osteopathy aims to eliminate mechanical restrictions and restore motion in the joints and tissues. Osteopathy treatments can improve nerve flow and lymphatic drainage, which helps to alleviate pain and inflammation. When your body is structurally balanced and moving properly, your internal system can function optimally, and the body is better able to heal itself.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can treat a wide range of conditions as they have extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and pathophysiology.
Osteopathy is safe and extremely effective in treating people of all ages, from babies to the elderly, including pregnant women and patients recovering from injuries and surgery.
What is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues known as the muscles, connective tissue, joints, tendons, and ligaments. It is clinically oriented to help provide relief from chronic or acute pain or injury, discomfort from occupational stresses, and enhance overall well-being. The relaxation component of a massage works on the body’s central nervous system to help manage stress and emotional wellness. Massage also enhances mind-body awareness, bringing a person’s attention into their body in a way that invites healing and improved function.
A massage therapy appointment begins with a brief discussion about your overall health and treatment goals, and an appropriate assessment performed by your RMT. The bulk of the appointment time is spent on manual therapy, where the massage therapist will perform techniques tailored to your specific goals. A treatment can range from a full-body light-pressure relaxation massage to a deep myofascial treatment in a specific area- it really depends on you. You can be nude or clothed, as you’ll always be securely draped with the sheets. Your therapist will check in with you about comfort level and pressure throughout the massage. At the end, your massage therapist will re-assess as needed, and communicate a follow-up plan and self-care as required.
What is Psychotherapy?
There are many different reasons why people seek psychotherapy. You might want some help with specific emotional problems such as depression, loneliness, or anxiety. You might have difficulty coming to terms with past trauma or a painful personal history. Perhaps you feel stuck in patterns that prevent you from feeling fulfilled. Therapy can be a very rewarding experience. A qualified Psychotherapist can provide a safe, nonjudgmental, private space to talk things through. The goals of Psychotherapy can be to improve relationship dynamics, resolve painful trauma or gain a greater sense of empowerment, improving overall feelings of health and wellness.
What is Physiotherapy?
Treating orthopaedic injuries through physiotherapy involves a complex understanding of multiple systems including how those systems work independently and collectively as a functional unit. The precision required to identify and correct the problem within a system is improved with the application of highly skilled hands-on assessment and treatment. By providing hands on, one-on-one assessments and treatments tailored specifically to the injury you are experiencing a qualified Physiotherapist can help you find relief. Providing focused, research-based treatments while including targeted exercises and education about your condition can help reduce the risk of relapse or re-injury.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up of the words ‘ayus,’ meaning life and ‘veda,’meaning knowledge. Literally, Ayurveda means ‘the knowledge of life.’ It is regarded as one of the oldest forms of healthcare in the world originating in India over five thousand years ago. The aim of this healing system is to prevent illness, protect health and prolong life. It is also the sister science to yoga.
Ayurveda is based on the principle that the universe is made up of five elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. These elements are represented in us by three doshas, which are bio-energies or body constitutions, namely: Vata (air and ether), Pitta (fire and water) and Kapha (water and earth). When any of the doshas accumulate in the body beyond the desirable limit, the body becomes imbalanced. Each of us has a distinctly unique balance, and our health and wellbeing depend on this state of harmony. Ayurveda uses the elements to keep the doshas in check and bring them back to balance. Integrating ayurvedic lifestyle modifications is a great way to understand your true nature and how live in harmony with your environment.
Achieve your optimal level of health
Our clinic is open for in-person and virtual appointments.