Breakfast Power Cookie

Breakfast Power Cookie

Ok, those of you who know me know I don’t typically recommend cookies for breakfast, so this is a bit of a stretch. But sometimes when you’re rushing out the door or just need a nutrient dense snack, and want to avoid the store bought nutritional zero...
Lemon Herb-Roasted Chicken

Lemon Herb-Roasted Chicken

As soon as the leaves start to change colour I begin my weekly routine of roasting a chicken every Sunday or Monday night. A roast chicken is a delicious, warming and deeply nourishing meal. And as much as I love the roast itself, I equally love all of the many...
Change of Season Soup

Change of Season Soup

  This change of season soup is used as an immune system tonic in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) during times of change or when you’re rundown. One of the best times to use this is immune booster is during those season changes where so many of us get...
Leisure & Wellness

Leisure & Wellness

At long last, summer is here! For many, this is the season in which we feel at our best. Long days of warmth and sunshine result in opportunities to cycle to work, take the long route home through the park, enjoy a good book on a patio or go for an evening stroll...